The Donation Package

The Donation Package

The best way to help dryland farming communities

The Donation Package represents the best of what social entrepreneurship has to offer and is a product we are truly proud to offer. Our donation product has sold over 100,000 units worldwide, providing employment in underserved areas, boosting agriculture, enhancing children’s access to education, financing microloans, supporting water-related initiatives, and sharing the joy of giving back to African communities with our generous customers.

The Better Globe Donation Package is a fantastic way to make a positive impact in Africa and help reduce extreme poverty. It contains essential features carefully assembled to maximize its potential for long-term and lasting results in East Africa. And through social entrepreneurship, we also ensure our customers benefit, making it an easy and financially sound decision to purchase the Donation Package monthly.

The Donation Package includes two Sponsor Packages and contributions towards the advancement of children’s education and microfinance initiatives. The only difference between the two products is that in addition to two Sponsor Packages, an additional €5 is donated to combat extreme poverty in a more effective manner.

The Donation Package costs €59 and includes:

  • Four trees that are primarily planted with BGF partner farmers in Africa.
    • Two trees are given as a reward to the partner farmers for caring for and planting trees on behalf of Tree Partner Solutions AB (TPS) on their land.
    • The two remaining biological assets are managed by TPS. Our customers have the option to become shareholders in the upcoming TPS emission. This opportunity is based on the contribution of two Sponsor Packages included in the Donation Package.
  • Farmer groups receive support through water-related initiatives and training in agroforestry and water-management techniques, included in the two Sponsor Packages.
  • A donation of €2.5 on your behalf goes to fund community-owned microfinance banks.
  • A donation of €2.5 on your behalf is given to support Child Africa and local schools.

Monthly donations

The Donation Package is recommended as a monthly subscription for those looking to support ongoing benefits for themselves and others. One-time purchases are also welcome; every unit makes a difference.

However, by subscribing to the Donation Package monthly, you can help Better Globe Forestry Ltd. (BGF) plan its finances better for the social outreach programs and ensure a steady flow of assistance to those who really need it.

Our objective is to eliminate extreme poverty on a family-by-family basis. And with more than 100,000 Donation Packages sold worldwide, we make a real and lasting difference that we hope you, too, would like to support.

The trees we plant together

Each Donation Package includes four trees, whereas two trees are awarded to contract farmers, local organizations, or to support schools in the Schools’ Green Initiative Challenge (GIC). BGF is part of the GIC tree-planting initiative, together with Bamburi Cement Ltd. (owned by LafargeHolcim) and KenGen, two of the most prominent construction and energy actors in Kenya, respectively.

The GIC is a 10-year initiative that has benefited over 500 schools in semi-arid lands. Upon completion, the total number of schools reached will be 1,000. BGF provides trees to the GIC as a means of promoting environmental engagement among children and fostering an appreciation for nature. By purchasing the Donation Package, you are contributing to the realization of the initiative. And the schools benefit from the produce and the returns generated by the trees.

Water-related projects

Most people who live in semi-arid desert areas may need to walk many hours every day to collect much-needed water. In many communities, the responsibility of this task falls to women and children. When BGF arranges water access to crops, they also help the communities that exist around the cultivation with access to this precious resource.

BGF has typically provided support to schools and communities by installing water tanks and gutters for collecting rainwater. Agroforestry field agents also work with contract farmers and provide essential training, such as water management. And it is the loyal Better Globe customers around the world who purchase the Sponsor and Donation Package monthly who make this possible.

The Sponsor Package, of which the Donation Package contains two, provides support for water-related projects and training for agroforestry farmers in water collection and management.

The funding of school construction and renovation

Mboti primary school in Sosoma, Kenya. Better Globe funded the preschool's renovation and provided water-related infrastructure, including tanks and gutters, using funds from Donation Packages
Mboti primary school in Sosoma, Kenya. Better Globe funded the preschool’s renovation and provided water-related infrastructure, including tanks and gutters, using funds from Donation Packages.

In African villages, it is common for children to have household responsibilities and education is typically not free. As a result, many parents cannot afford to let their children go to school for extended periods. The children are needed at home, and the money is needed for food for the family. By supporting tree plantations and agroforestry farms, as well as creating well-paying jobs in rural areas, Better Globe customers indirectly help increase educational opportunities for children.

Child Africa International is a charity in Uganda that focuses on the education of children. The organization uses donated funds to renovate local schools and to build and operate schools in Uganda. And although contributing €2.5 through the Donation Package may not appear significant, thousands of monthly subscribers do make a meaningful contribution to children’s education over time.

It is the combination of predictable donations from thousands of customers that creates positive and sustainable outcomes for everyone involved. Child Africa achieves impressive results despite the difficult circumstances in which the children live, thanks to the overwhelming support received. And this positive impact has also inspired many customers to contribute additional donations to the organization or support a child’s education through sponsorship.


BGF operates tree plantations and works with agroforestry partners in rural and arid regions with a population composed of disadvantaged farmers. Through microfinance, partner farmers in the region can enhance their agricultural pursuits and generate additional revenue. Sometimes, a portion of the loan is utilized for improving living conditions, such as installing a tin roof or purchasing a comfortable mattress.

Microloans can be used to buy items that provide long-term cost savings, such as solar-powered lamps instead of oil lamps. Healthcare can be another important reason when considering a loan. Microloans are utilized by some individuals to initiate or enhance agricultural or livestock operations. And others may choose to start a supplementary business to increase their earnings.

The first community-owned microfinance bank funded by BGF through funds donated from our Donation Package, established in late 2012 in Mbuvu, Kenya
The first community-owned microfinance bank funded by BGF through funds donated from our Donation Package, established in late 2012 in Mbuvu, Kenya.

As you can see, microfinance loans offer a variety of uses, including payment of school fees and construction or renovation of buildings. Borrowers can also request loans for assets such as chairs (for their café or lecture activities, for example), water tanks, and solar panels. The management of microloans is done through community-owned village banks, which receive support from donated funds in the Donation Package. Upon repayment of loans, borrowers gain ownership in their respective microfinance bank and can qualify for higher credit limits for their subsequent loans.

Prioritizing women for loans have proven to be more effective as they tend to use resources more efficiently for their families and produce better outcomes. Women are also empowered by ensuring equal access to employment and leadership positions at the tree plantations and BGF’s headquarters.

Creating real benefits

The Donation Package utilizes social entrepreneurship and sustainable business principles to generate mutually beneficial outcomes. The product aims to address extreme poverty by providing benefits for both the customer and those in need while also caring for the environment.

The local communities benefit from receiving crucial support for long-term sustainable business activities such as tree planting, agroforestry, and agriculture. This helps them build a stronger personal and local economy. Poverty and corruption are also counteracted by focusing on children’s education and improving the conditions at local schools. Child Africa also teaches honesty and integrity as a subject at their schools in Uganda. And a children’s magazine, Bingwa Magazine, is also published and donated to schools to address children’s rights and the importance of honesty and integrity.

Equal opportunity means that women are offered jobs on equal footing with men, which is rare in the rural parts of Kenya -workers receive equal pay and access to health insurance, which is equally rare
Equal opportunity means that women are offered jobs on equal footing with men, which is rare in the rural parts of Kenya -workers receive equal pay and access to health insurance, which is equally rare.

The local and global environment significantly benefits when the right trees are planted in the right areas with the right care. The process of converting arid and depleted soils into lush and fertile regions has significant benefits for both biodiversity and the surrounding climate. And preventing desertification can contribute to carbon retention in the soil, resulting in benefits far beyond the trees’ capacity to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere.

Cultivating high-quality mahogany wood in degraded areas can also reduce pressure on tropical forests and help counter legal and illegal deforestation. So, the environmental benefits of purchasing our socially responsible and eco-friendly products are massive.

And lastly, our customers benefit when purchasing our donation product. Not only through the happiness and fulfillment one may experience in helping others. But also, financially from the two Sponsor Packages included in the donation product. They provide an opportunity to accumulate shares in TPS, the company that manages the biological assets on behalf of Better Globe’s customers.

New customers are attracted to the prospect of co-owning a socially responsible and sustainable company that aims to distribute annual revenue. TPS has procured millions of mahogany trees that have been planted since 2007. Once enough trees reach maturity, shareholders are likely to share two-thirds of the profits paid to shareholders proportionally to the shares they own.

It is also anticipated that the remaining one-third of the profits will be utilized for planting a greater number of trees than the number that was cut and to further support the company. The replanting process helps ensure both the expansion of the land restoration process and the long-term profitability of all shareholders. And this new strategy for effective and long-term poverty relief makes the Donation Package a product you simply cannot afford to overlook.

The Donation Package offers an opportunity to support farming families in need and receive potential TPS shareholder benefits that grow over time. We see purchasing the Donation Package monthly as a smart choice from an economic, environmental, and humanitarian perspective and hope you do the same. Thank you for taking the time to learn more about our product, we hope to see you as a customer soon.

Purchase now and do good for others and yourself!

Support tree planting and poverty relief in East Africa with our Sponsor and Donation Packages. Make a financially sound decision to help families in need with a chance to benefit from long-term sustainable and ethical forest management with Tree Partner Solutions AB. It feels fantastic to help others and the environment. Click the link below and make your first purchase with Better Globe AS and contribute to a better world today.

Act now - start your green journey with us today!


Sponsor Package

  • Opportunity for shares in TPS
  • Help plant two trees today
  • Create job opportunities
  • Give one tree to farmers
  • Counter desertification
  • Offset CO2 with trees

Donation Package

  • Includes 2x Sponsor Packages
  • Create a social impact today
  • Offset CO2 with four trees
  • Give two trees to farmers
  • Donate to microfinance
  • Donate to Child Africa
  • Empower women
Jan Bolmeson
Malmö, Sweden

To me Better Globe is an amazing way to donate in an ethical, sustainable and long-term manner. The trees I help to plant shape the future into a better place for both people and the environment.


  • Better Globe Forestry logo Child Africa logo
  • Tree Partner Solutions logo

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Get started today and do good for others and yourself!